Department of History
According to Theodore Roosevelt “The more you know about the past the better prepared you the future” Learning about the past can change the future.
According to Dr. B R Ambedkar Those who doesn’t know history cannot create history.
Here Department of History Develops effective teaching skills, by adopting different methods of teaching and learning strategies History department equip the perspective teachers to identify the diverse need of the teacher trainees and to develop various programmers.
The best teacher teach from the heart not from the book history department enhance the perspective teacher cognitive effective and psycho motor domain.
The history department aims to make the students aware of the past and legacies through the teaching.
To bring out the best in each and every student and motivate them to carve their path in contemporary society emboldened with knowledge and skills, keeping morality and ethics has under playing forces.
Objectives of the Department:
- To revamp the perspective teachers with social virtues
- To enable the perspective teachers to manipulate the methodology of teaching history.
- To inculcate moral values which needed for good teachers
To acquire adequate knowledge about the new technology needed for effective modern teaching
- To rejuvenate the human values like love, care, equality and peaceful co-existence.
- The basic objective of the department is to impart quality education on the courses provided and offered by the college to active the above mission mention.
The History department of the college is making an effort to improve the department. It has introduced classes seminar in majors, honors course in order to improve the competence of the student and through the home assignment students are make capable to different department seminars, discussions, field survey, projects, field study, excavation, archeological survey to the historical sites are being arranged and organized by the department chart making, scrap book making, historical based drama, teaching model making, organization of departmental seminars and quiz publications of wall magazines, organization of programme aiming towards cultivation of history cultural and close interaction among the teaching and students are the prime futures of history department.
Department of history always strive to ensure that the following learning outcomes and being achieved at the undergraduate level. They will develop the ability to differentiate between fact and fiction
the department has a long way and it is accepted there will be remarkable professional and a good academic growth in the year to come. They will develop the capacity to organize the diversity and moral dilemmas in parent the study of history.
They will develop and informed familiarity with multiple cultural general chronology of human existence. The department at present offered the following courses and fully ours the provisions for teaching to achieve such quality education in the discipline of historical studies.